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The Classes of 2019 and 2020 were the first PSU MHA residential cohorts to have the opportunity to experience capstone projects through a working relationship with Mount Nittany Physician Group. Students were placed at various outpatient physician offices and tasked with designing projects to benefit their locations over three semesters. Faculty, staff, and students collaborated as a team to ensure this capstone experience developed into an unparalleled experience for MHA students that brings academic, professional, and personal growth.


As opportunities have expanded, students are able to spend a semester during their first year observing healthcare leaders at either Mount Nittany Health System or Geisinger Health System. During their second year, students then return to their observational site and complete the capstone experience through hands-on projects with that organization. It is an enriching opportunity that connects classroom learning to real-world healthcare settings. 

"The Mount Nittany Capstone allows students to gain hands-on experience in a healthcare setting. It teaches students necessary skills such as leadership, responsibility, effective communication, dependability, and time management. This first-hand experience will also give deeper insight to the interdependencies that occur within, and how all departments must function as one to have a successful healthcare organization."

~ Jessica Dranzik, former VP of Capstone Relations

Hand Holding a Plant

Professional Development is an integral part of Penn State's MHA Program. Learning and leadership don't only come from the classroom. Professional Development offers students the chance to grow in skills and knowledge that may fall outside of the curriculum, and instead result from thoughtful discussion about challenging topics and exposure to new information and ways of thinking. Student feedback on professional development is important to coordinating these events and promoting engagement. MHAA is appreciative of the individuals who take time out of their schedule to guest lecture during these Professional Development events as well. 

"Our Professional Development program provides career-oriented, supplemental education that broadens students' awareness of opportunities in the industry. First- and second-year cohorts participate in interactive sessions like Excel programming, professional etiquette, interview skills, personal branding, mindfulness, and more. Professional Development not only facilitates networking opportunities with alumni and colleagues, but also flexes managerial competencies and fosters innovation in healthcare. MHAA encourages students and faculty to provide ongoing suggestions for meaningful Professional Development sessions to continuously improve the Penn State MHA experience." 

~ Keely McManamon, former VP of Professional Development

Business Handshake

As one Penn State MHA professor would say, "There are two degrees of separation in healthcare." Perhaps more than in any other industry, networking with other professionals is extremely important, but this can't be done without providing opportunities. MHAA members utilize their resources and connections to coordinate events that offer MHA students the chance to meet new people, foster professional relationships, and create pathways to success. Healthcare is a team effort and forming connections is essential to finding better solutions. Be it a conference, a lunch, or a guest speaker, students can find fulfillment in networking.

"One of the top responsibilities of MHAA is representing the professional Health Administration community. We are dedicated to bringing awareness and opportunities to the Penn State community, its students, and the healthcare industry. MHAA provides a kind, welcoming, and professional environment for all of those interested and involved in the Penn State MHA Program." 

~ Karley Oeler, former VP of Public Relations

"Service and networking tie hand in hand, as each brings a plethora of opportunities and experiences if done well. The goal of MHAA's service is to help others as much as possible, and when we bring services to the community - whether it be volunteering, fundraising, or other aspects of service - it will open up doors for students." 

~ Nicholas Corona, former VP of Social and Volunteer Services

© 2020 by PSU MHAA

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